giovedì 14 gennaio 2010

Strawberry cake of aunt Nidalia

This is one of the best cakes I have ever made, and for sure the easiest to make. The only drawback is that you need fresh strawberries so it can be done only in the springtime. My aunt (so to say because is the acquired aunt of my mum, however is more than that to me) taught me the recipe and I must say that I have successfully prepared it in several occasions. I have spread the recipe around the world and more and more people are enjoying it! It is simple, if you follow my suggestions it comes out wonderful looking with the minimum effort, I have never found someone that did not like it!
I usually prepare it in a removable bottom cake pan around 25 cm in diameter. For such a cake you need 500g of strawberries, sugar, 1 lemon, 500 g of sponge finger biscuits, 250g of whipped cream.
Prepare the whipped cream.
Clean the strawberries and put them in a food processor with the juice of 1 lemon and 2 table spoons of sugar. You might want to keep some strawberries for decoration. Mix them until you have a liquid cream. Adjust sugar to your taste but be careful as you might have added some sugar to the cream and the biscuits are covered in sugar as well.
Cover the cake pan with butter to avoid the cake to stick to the walls. Then pour the “strawberry cream” in a large bowl and soak the biscuits in that liquid and create a layer in the pan. In order to enhance the decorative effect I usually cut a few biscuits at the height of the pan and then create a circle (wall) to start with. However when you have finished a layer, pour a generous layer of whipped cream and then start with another layer until the cake pan is full. Then if you have some whipped cream and strawberry cream left, mix them and pour on the top. Allow the cake to rest in the fridge for a couple of hours minimum and then enjoy.
Variations: Between the layers of biscuits you can put some fresh strawberries. Probably it is good with other fruits as well; however I have never tried it!

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